Merlin Woods – Spring Morning

The castle watches over landscape changed
By mans creation, not the acts of war like before
As in former times, this land knows peace
Buy yet may know destruction once more…
Trees planted in vision to be grown
Among his descendants to be walked
He could not have seen the fall of Empire
He who of its growth had often talked
I who walk there today: this world I know
How will fate and time its realities rearrange
After my time, when no one knows here once I was
Walking and pondering how times passing brings events strange…

I was walking in Merlin Woods again today, on a summery spring day, with the sun bringing the mood of the season to come that lifts the spirit, I thought of how the trees were planted to bring to life one mans vision for the place, of a future he seen that was not to be, and how different Galway is today from what he envisaged.

I don’t think that is a bad thing, and on passing the castle ruin once owned by O’ Connor, I though how the world I think of being will turn out to be, and that no one will wonder what I or other anonymous walkers here today think of the world to come and the strangeness of the unfolding of fate and events in their own time…

The first time I was here was on Christmas Morning, ( which I wrote about here ) where I walked around the area and then out to Oranmore to pass the time, on an usually fine day for Christmas day before heading on into work that night…

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