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Ireland, Page 2

Grateful to Vaccines

We today live no longer in fear, Of measles or the whooping cough, The mumps or chickenpox Because of vaccines at which …

No Knocks on the Door at Halloween

For all those years, like the Grinch I was When all dressed up they’d be seen Going door to door looking for …

The Plague Paths are Fading Now

The plague paths are fading now That were worn by feet Of folk who sought to avoid The people that they would …

We Are All Wanderers

Inspired by quotes from John Connell, author of “The Running Book”, who said to see our way through troubles including COVID19, we must never forget the beauty in life.

Ruins of Ballymacool

Those ruins stand, charred by fire Not set by a rebels hand Though many of it’s type out to the flame By …

Because The Sun Still Shines

The sun shining tells us there are better times after the storm, worth remembering in these #COVID19 times

The Wide World Beyond the Door

One good thing about #covid19 is that we should be able to get a bit of writing done. Here’s a reflective piece #InternationalPoetryCircle

Old Crone of Cairn Hill

Old Crone of Beara is said to have dropped stones that make up cairns on Cairn Hill in Longford. As with many legends, the stories vary, with some saying she was another personification of the Goddess Bridget… #Irishlegend #folklore

Future English King on Galway’s Streets

The royal visit to Galway brought mixed feelings – they are a nice couple, but is it too early to welcome British Royals where their forces killed our heroes?

What Loss to Gain a King!

The foundation story of the Clan Eoghanachta, with the tragic death of Eoghan, and the craftiness of Díl the Druid…

King Harmon’s Clock

Laurence King Harmon had a number of structures built in his honour, paid for it is said by subscription of “a grareful tenantry”. Self praise is no praise, and whether subscription was under duress or genuine is unknown. Bad times were ahead, and for the cruelty of his estates eviction is how his name will be known, no matter whats carved in stone…

No Library Like the Spoken Word

Books and knowledge gathered together But arrived Invaders and a tyrants yoke All then to then was ever known It all went …

Folk of the Land of the Whin

From where to the world’s four corners spread All desire to, but few manage to return To children tales told, songs sung …

Last of the Faithful at St Augustine’s Holy Well

I saw a couple with their children go to the Holy Well on Lough Atalia today. The child appeared to have a bad cough, not a condition the well was known for as far as I know. The only time Ive seen actual pilgrims come to it in all my years in the city. I hope it works for them.

Walking Deadmans Beach

Legend states Columbus holidayed in Galway five years before finding America – an exotic body of a dead man washed ashore at Renmore, making him think there was land to the West, inspiring his voyages.

Give Stonehenge Back to the Irish!

One legend states the stones of Stonehenge came from Killare in Westmeath, the Hill of Uisneach. When Merlins army failed to take them by force, he took them by majic, wanting “The Giants Ring” to make a monument to an army of his that died in battle.

Another legend says a Westmeath woman sold them to the devil. Which is true? We explore in rhyme…