Painful Happiness of Living – Reviews – Diogen Magazine – Sabahudin Hadžialić

Painful happiness of living

Routine of daily prints at Tomás Ó Cárthaigh a gives a birth for the contradiction of expression. But not any contradiction, but just the one that concerns the identity of pain anywhere, on the planet which we are walking, are living.

His poetry is a mature story of meaningful character who is not afraid to identify with the fate of other and different, because of his own welfare.

Looking into the “past” of the literature he creates the “future” in dreams.

No, I lie!

It is precisely that history.The good spirit who visit us.

To wake us up. With painful happiness of living.

Editor’s word

Sabahudin Hadzialic
Editor in chief


In Bosnian:

Bolna sreća življenja

Rutina svakodnevnih otisaka kod Tomás Ó Cárthaigh-a rađa protivrječnosti izražaja. Ali ne bilo kakve protivrječnosti već upravo one što se odnosi na istovjetnost boli bilo gdje da, na planeti kojom hodimo, živimo.

Njegova poetika je zrela priča sadržajnog lika koji se ne libi poistovjetiti sa sudbinom drugih i drugačijih, radi vlastite dobrobiti.

Zagledan u “prošlost” književnosti on kreira “budućnost” u snovima.

Ne, lažem!

On jeste upravo ta prošlost. Dobroga duha koji nas pohodi.

Da nas razbudi. Bolnom srećom življenja.

Riječ urednika

Sabahudin Hadžialić
gl. i odg. urednik


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